Industry Stakeholder Body

The Stakeholder Consultation Body (SCB) is a self-governing association of aviation industry organizations, established to provide expertise and advice to support the JARUS Work Program, JARUS Working Groups, and deliverables.  SCB representatives and alternates represent diverse and evolving Communities of Interest (COI) and represent all sectors of the aviation industry.   The SCB acts as a forum of stakeholder interests to enable their views to be represented and discussed in an open and constructive manner to facilitate the establishment of balanced and consolidated JARUS deliverables.  The SCB membership is organized through Communities of Interest comprised of stakeholder representative bodies that may be part of one or more Communities of Interest.   A representative and alternate are chosen for each COI group from within the COI group of stakeholder representative bodies.  The Chair and Vice-Chair are chosen by the current representatives.  Two at-large representatives and alternates are also chosen by the current COI representatives.   The term of the Chair, Vice-Chair and representatives and alternates is one year from election, but they may continue after that date until the selection of a successor.   If you are interested in participating in the SCB, please contact Fredrik Nordstroem, SCB Chair, at

Aerospace and Defence IndustriesAssociation of Europe
Alliance for Drone Innovation
Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
Drone Manufacturers Alliance Europe
European Helicopter Association
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale
The international Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations
The International Air Transport Association
International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations
The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations
Small UAV Coalition 
UVS International

Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems